Social Media for Homeowners: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
There are both advantages and disadvantages to using social media for homeowners. We aim to give you more information on how to use social media and keep your home safe.
The Good
You can find a lot of helpful tips for decorating or making small repairs in your home on social media. You can find inspiration for recipes and other great home ownership advice on social media, like the content of our Blog. Also, Joining your neighborhood group on social media could be the best resource you have for exchanging information with your neighbors.
Here are a few examples of the good powers of social media for homeowners in your neighborhood:
- Network with your neighbors to learn more about them
- Share news from your Home Owners Association
- Post notifications about lost pets
- Post about utility issues that concern the neighborhood
- Recommend the best plumber, landscaper, roofer, or babysitter in the area
- Organize a block party or holiday celebration
- Report concerns to help increase neighborhood safety
- Sell items that you don’t need anymore
- Organize a neighborhood clean up or community service day
- Share home improvement ideas, recipes, or DIY projects
The Bad
As you open up lines of communication with your neighbors on social media, there is the possibility for disagreements and gossip. While some of these complaints could result in neighborhood improvements, mostly, they stir up conflict.
Not every interaction on social media is made with good intention and some are completely thoughtless. The good news is that these issues are easily resolved. You can choose to either ignore these posts, tactfully educate people, or remove/block them.
The Ugly
There are some features of social media that can make homeowners vulnerable. Posting pictures while you are away on vacation or a photo of your new home theater system could tip off burglars. Social media apps that have a “location” feature could allow people to see when you are home or not home.
Scammers look for information posted on social media to help them access your accounts or steal your identity. Quizzes may ask for information that is commonly used for security questions like the name of your high school, the street where you grew up, or the name of your favorite pet.
Safety Tips On Using Social Media for Homeowners:
- Never share your address publicly on social media
- If you work from home, use a PO box for your contact information
- Turn off the “location” feature and avoid sharing your schedule
- Don’t enter your contact or personal information into social media surveys
- Post vacation photos after you are back home
- Never post photos that contain any legal, financial, or identifying documents.
- Don’t post any answers to your online account security questions
- Never share photos of valuables in your home.
- Examine your “Friends” list and privacy settings
- Make sure everyone in your home is using social media with safety in mind.
We want our customers to have happy and healthy homes. This is why we take the time to keep you informed about all aspects of home ownership. Use these tips to help you use social media in a way that both keeps your home safe and lets you connect to your neighbors.
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