Photo Challenge: For Kids at Home
If you or your kids are struggling to find something to do with your time at home, this photo challenge may be perfect for you. Using a smart phone, tablet, or digital camera check-off the creative tasks on the photo challenge list.
Engaging with family and friends through positive interactions in the safety of your home, this photo challenge highlights the positive capabilities of technology through the camera lens.

Take a Photo With:
- Pet or family member
- An older photo of yourself
- Your feet not touching the ground
- The most funny or silly face you can make
- A close up view of something small
Take a Photo of What You Made:
- Meal or snack for your family
- Drawing of your best friend
- Card or letter for a grandparent or friend
- A t-shirt design that you would wear
- Your indoor pillow fort, backyard tent, or bedroom decoration
Take a Photo Before and After:
- Using sidewalk chalk or planting something
- Cleaning your room and/or organizing your closet
- Watching a movie (Let your face express your reaction to the ending)
- Playing a board game with a family member
- Helping with a household chore
Take a Photo and Send It:
- To your grandparents or relative that you are missing
- To your parent or sibling, to make them laugh
- To your parent or sibling, to make them smile
- To your teacher, with a positive message
- To a hard working person, to thank them
Take a Photo of Your Favorite:
- Book or place to read in your home
- Outfit, hat, or shirt (while wearing it)
- Animal (can be a drawing or photo in a book)
- Toy or action figure going on an adventure in your home
- As many objects that are your favorite color as you can find in your house
This photo challenge is designed for big kids and teens with a smart phone or tablet. If you are under the age of 18 be sure to have your parents permission before taking or sharing photos.
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